Biden: Saudi minister lied about not hearing him confront MBS on Khashoggi's killing

President Biden indicted Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister of lying when he contradicted the chairman’s claim that had raised the payoff of intelligencer Jamal Khashoggi with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and bristled when asked about the fist bump with the royal.

Returning early Sunday morning to the White House after his four- day trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia, Biden was asked whether A del al- Jubier was telling the verity when he said he did n’t hear the chairman bring up Khashoggi with the Napoleon, generally appertained to as MBS.

“ No, ” Biden responded bluntly, according to a White House pool report.

The chairman, moments after arriving on Marine One, was also asked if he rued the controversial fist bump with MBS.
“ Why do n’t you guys talk about commodity that matters? I ’m happy to answer a question that matters, ” he shot back.
Biden told journalists on Friday that he'd questioned the crown Napoleon about the 2018 murder of Khashoggi, a Washington Post intelligencer, at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

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