Saudi Arabia-America | Why is President Biden now in Saudi Arabia! forgetting threats and anger?

In Jeddah, President Biden and Prince Mohammed Salman
 18 months after taking office, President Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia on Friday via Israel on his first trip to the Middle East.

But in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Biden's visit has sparked controversy in his country. A section within his party, the Democratic Party, is deeply unhappy. Their words - the president compromised his ethics.
Saudi Arabia is one of America's main allies in the Middle East. For a long time, Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries that any new American president visits after taking office. So why this debate now?
Because, before and after becoming president, with his promise, Mr. There is no consistency in this visit of Biden.
Like many Americans, Joe Biden is angry about Saudi Arabia's role in Yemen's civil war. After the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, he was so displeased with Prince Salman and the Saudi royal family that he announced during the election campaign that if he came to power, he would leave these Saudi rulers 'alone'.
America has maintained a close relationship with the Saudi royal family for decades, sacrificing values mainly for the sake of oil.
But Mr. When Biden came to power, he began to say that human rights would be the basis of his government's relations with any foreign country.
After coming to power after winning the election, he refused to meet or talk to Saudi Crown Prince Salman. The Saudi prince made several attempts to talk to him but failed. Mr. suspended the sale of new weapons to Saudi Arabia. Biden.
Even after the news of the visit to Saudi Arabia was confirmed, that is, even last month, Mr. Biden said he will not talk to Prince Salman. But later the Saudi government informed that the two will talk in Jeddah.

Why this tone change ? Biden's cleanup

At the end of 18 months, why did Mr. Biden start walking in the opposite direction?
Analysts say that the 79-year-old US president is bowing to reality or accepting it. And the Ukraine war is mainly working behind it.
For the past few days, Mr. Biden.
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A few days ago, in an article he wrote in the Washington Post newspaper, he said that he changed the policy of giving Saudi Arabia a "blank check", but he realized the importance of the Middle East and Saudi Arabia due to the war in Europe.

Mr. Biden wrote, "We need to take countermeasures against Russian aggression. We need a strong position to compete with China....That's why we need to establish direct contact with countries that can help us in our efforts. Saudi Arabia is one such country."

At a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Yar Lapid in Jerusalem on Thursday, reporters asked him if he would raise the issue of Khashoggi's assassination during a meeting with the Saudi prince.
Mr. without answering the question directly. Biden reiterates why he is going to Saudi Arabia.
He said Saudi Arabia's role was important for the stability of the "restless Middle East" and to prevent the region from "falling under the influence of China and Russia".

"My position on Khashoggi is clear. I will never remain silent on human rights issues. But I am going to Saudi Arabia in the national interest of the United States. This is an opportunity to consolidate our influence in the Middle East."

Mr. Biden directly said that while the United States was at war with China and Russia to maintain its influence in the world, "ignoring the Saudis would harm American interests."
"It now involves American interests. I want to make sure that America's leadership in the region remains intact. There is no vacuum created where Russia and China fill it."

It is undeniable that the Saudis have stepped up ties with China and Russia over the past 18 months as relations with the White House have cooled. Saudi Arabia's trade with China continues to grow. Mr. Prince Salman's relationship with Putin is quite warm.

Moreover, despite America's disdain, he has no momentum to consolidate power within the country, and there is little doubt that he is the king of one of the most important countries in the Middle East, whether he likes it or not.

oil factor
For some time, there had been uneasiness among parts of the Biden administration about the consequences of the president's stance on Prince Salman and Saudi Arabia.

The volatility in the US oil market after the Ukraine crisis added to that uneasiness. Mr Biden also understands that excess Saudi oil is now urgent for the United States.

"Biden's administration is starting to become more experienced after being a kid," Brian Katulis, vice president of the Middle East Institute, a Washington think tank, told the Washington Post. "It's not that you can remove this man (Prince Salman) from power. As a result, it's in our best interest to manage this complex situation as best we can ... America's policy in the Middle East has a lot of precedent."
In other words, President Biden has returned to the traditional foreign policy of America regarding Saudi Arabia.
But many observers feel he may have to pay a political price.
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