Editor's Mailbox: Debate on Sheikh Hasina's Bridge Selfie and Loadshedding | Bangladesh


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her son Sajib Ahmed Wazed took a selfie of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her son Sajib Ahmed Wazed on the way to Tungipara over the Padma Bridge.


This week, there has been a lot of discussion and criticism about one of the various news, and that is the news of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's family being photographed at the Padma Bridge. The bridge authorities had earlier banned cars from stopping and taking pictures on the bridge.

Mohammad Saidur Rahman from Kaunia, Barisal wrote:

"Politicians, ministers, bureaucrats or such people of our country's government party often talk about the rule of law, the law runs at its own pace, but they often do not pay attention to the rules and regulations.

" I think our prime minister has not only given a thumbs up to the public notice of Bangladesh Bridge Authority by taking such pictures, he has also broken the rules and set a negative precedent.

" Certainly such incidents will send a wrong message to the common people."


The day after the inauguration, the public could take pictures down on the bridge


One thing is clear here mr. Rahman, who everyone expects the nation's leader to lead by example. But many feel that a negative example has been created here.

It seems that it would have been best to take the family photo on the day of the opening of the bridge, because on that day there was no such rule, no vehicles plying on the bridge. They could take pictures in complete safety.

But while taking pictures last Monday, not only the rules imposed by the bridge authorities were broken, but for quite some time, normal traffic was stopped on this important bridge.

Read more on Magazine Todayy:


Many have taken risks from moving motorcycles


However , Mukul Sardar, a resident of Dakop, Khulna , sees the matter differently :

"Many people are saying with good reason that the Prime Minister broke the rules and stopped the car on top of the Padma Bridge and took pictures. Now the question is whether the Prime Minister got down from the car on the bridge just to take pictures? But I don't think so.

He can also come down to the bridge to see the project . In that case, why will the wrong message be sent to the general public?

" A prime minister and five enjoy several privileges over common people. From that point of view, the Prime Minister can stop the car on the bridge while maintaining safety.

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The authorities prohibit taking pictures on the bridge


Shamim Uddin Shyamal from Dhaka's Dhanmondi also wrote in support of photographing the Prime Minister :


"My point is, because he is the head of the government, he may have some rights and privileges. Because, he didn't become a cause of crisis in anyone's life by not following this rule.

" When the Prime Minister does not pass through any road , all roads are cleared for security reasons. A common man is not given security by special security forces, but, Prime Minister, President is given security . It is given in almost all countries of the world.

It is forbidden for common people to stop their cars and take pictures or walk on Padma Bridge because it may cause various types of accidents or chaos. And since all vehicular traffic was stopped when the Prime Minister went there is no question of that chaos.”


The bridge was closed from both sides for the Prime Minister's motorcade

Is it really so, mr. Sardar and Mr. Shamal? The bridge has been inaugurated, the bridge has been open for public transport for a few days, so is there still a matter of project inspection?

Yes, the rail project is not finished yet, work is in progress. But I am not aware that there was any announcement that the Prime Minister visited the railway project. As far as I know, he was going to Tungipara on a personal and party visit.

On the other hand, there is no dispute that the Prime Minister will enjoy more benefits than the common man. But should the head of government be above the law or the rules? I don't think so.

The Prime Minister will definitely get much more security than the common man. But the nine kilometer long bridge is closed for the movement of the head of government in other countries? Maybe it happened during the reign of kings or in the country of a dictator. But I don't think that is the case in any democratic country in this modern age.


Teacher society in insecurity

This time it's a different topic. Menhajul Islam Tarek from Parvatipur in Dinajpur wrote about the lack of security for teachers:

"Bangladesh is excited about the Padma Bridge, in that country almost every day teachers are being tortured and crushed in some way or the other. This is that so many teachers are being tortured, dying, have the country's teachers' associations made any statement? Any protest? not telling

"The reason is that they are no longer prioritizing the professional identity of these teachers. Apart from a few left-wing activists, Shahbagh-centric activists and cultural activists, the mainstream people of the country have no problem with this.

" We don't want a repeat of this incident. A proper investigation of each incident should be done to ensure punishment of the real culprits and set a precedent. So that no one dares to repeat such an incident.”


What is the students' respect for teachers?


Shamima Akhtar from Prasadpur in Satkhira also wrote about the teachers :  

"I still don't dare to sit in front of the teacher. I respect you the most. But our boys and girls are not respecting the teachers. There is great unrest in educational institutions today. But why? The answer to this question must be sought.

"The appointment of teachers at the government level of the country is somewhat based on merit, but private teachers are being appointed. Currently some good teachers are coming through NTRC.

" Besides, the imposition of various rules in place of student governance seems to be the cause of all these problems. All in all, a radical change is needed in the system.”

You are right Mr. Islam and Miss Akhter, teachers are being harassed in different ways in different areas of Bangladesh. Even a teacher was beaten to death. It seems that the tradition of students showing respect to their teachers in Bangladesh is catching on.

Different people give different reasons for this, but in many cases it is seen that students are influenced by political or religious issues. Maybe school-college authorities are not able to maintain discipline in their institutions due to political reasons.

Electricity production in Bangladesh has been reduced due to lack of gas.

Load shedding again


This time a letter about the ongoing electricity crisis in Bangladesh, written by Muhammad Abdul Hakim Mia from Chapai Nawabganj : 

" For the last few days, terrible loadshedding has been prevailing across the country including Rajshahi, Rangpur and Sylhet divisions of Bangladesh . As a result of prolonged load-shedding, the elderly and children are suffering in the heat of Vapsa month of Ashad.

" During the Eid season, there is a fear of loss in business. No one can guarantee that this problem will be solved in a very short time.

At a time when the government is talking about bringing 100% electricity coverage across the country, this load shedding is reminding consumers of the bad situation of the past. Has any government/private initiative been taken to quickly deal with this great crisis and bring relief to the people of the country from the grip of load shedding ?


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