What is brain fog, why it happens, what is the treatment ?

 Within a few months of the spread of the coronavirus around the world, health experts noticed that many of the infected people recovered from symptoms like fever and cough, but did not fully recover.

For example, Samia Sultana was infected with the coronavirus in March this year.

He had symptoms of fever, shortness of breath and loss of taste and smell. He took treatment in isolation at home on the doctor's advice.

Three weeks later, he got a Covid negative report. Eight months are about to pass after that but he is still suffering from several problems.

One of them is forgetting. Samia Sultana said "I didn't have this problem before. But after covid I can see that I can't remember people's names quickly, maybe I went to the kitchen to fetch water but I can't remember why I came into the kitchen."

Due to the fact that this problem of forgetting is evident, he writes important things in the notebook and keeps them on the table.

He said, "If you think you have to take medicine, maybe you have taken it once but you can't remember if you have taken it. In that case, if you take medicine again, it is dangerous. So write it down and keep it on the front table."

What is brain fog?

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital's neurology professor Bahadur Ali Mia told Magazine Today that when infected with the coronavirus, the patient's body has a tendency to clot.

He said, "When the oxygen level in the blood decreases, the oxygen supply to the brain also decreases. This damages the brain. In medical science, this is called ``hyprosic injury.''

"When there is a brain stroke or a tumor, one part of the brain is damaged. But when there is a hyperosic injury, the whole brain is damaged. This condition is called brain fog," said Professor Bahadur Ali Mia.

What treatment is available?

Jannatul Ferdous works in a private bank. He said that he was infected with coronavirus six months ago.

He is now much healthier but, in his words, "plagued with forgetfulness".

Jannatul Ferdous said, "I work in a bank. I was having a big problem in settling accounts. I can't remember many things. I am now taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor."

Experts say there is still a lot of research going on about memory loss or brain fog.

So no guidelines have been developed yet for the treatment of this disease.

Professor Bahadur Ali Mia said, in this case, a neurologist or neurologist must be consulted.

"In this case, the doctor will advise him to take some medicines. At the same time, eating nutritious food, exercising, socializing with people should be increased. Besides, counseling and doctor's observation are very important," he mentioned.

Experts say that this brain frog issue depends on how much the brain is damaged. Recovery also depends on it.

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